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We are advocating to the B.C. Government for:

  • Financial coverage for compression garments for Lymphedema/Lipedema
  • Diagnosis, initial care & education within the health care system

BCLymph: Advocacy Committee Activities

  • Meets regularly with the B.C. government representatives (Pharmacare and Ministry Service Provision/MSP) and will continue advocating on behalf of Lymphedema and Lipedema patients.
  • Provides a bridge between patients and health care professionals to increase awareness of lymphedema and treatment plans
  • Regularly liaises with other provincial lymphedema associations
  • Submitted application to Pharmacare asking for Financial Coverage for Prescription Compression Garments in June 2021. 

BCLymph Advocacy committee was established in November 2020 and meets monthly.

June 18th 2021 the team after delivering the Pharmacare application  to the Ministry of Health. 

Annual World Lymphedema Day March 6

Every year advocates mount a worldwide campaign to raise awareness about Lymphedema. Representatives from; India, Europe, South America, United States, Canada, and Australia join together on March 6th to recognize World Lymphedema Day.
Each year BCLA requests the BC Legislature to  proclaim that BC acknowledges March 6th as World Lymphedema Awareness Day.

The day is registered in Hansard (an edited verbatim record of what was said in Parliament).

Why We Need World Lymphedema Day

Great attention is paid to the battle against cancer. Yet, most people haven’t heard of lymphedema, which cancer frequently leaves in its wake.       
We hear little of the children born with lymphatic malformations or those who inherit lymphedema.
There is silence on the issue of wounded war veterans, civilian casualties and others who suffer from lymphedema due to physical trauma or as a result of surgery. Too many who suffer feel alone.
Too many medical professionals remain uneducated about this chronic disease or underplay the devastating impact it has on a person’s quality of life. Too many go without the necessary therapeutic care. Further this tragedy is compounded when government and private health insurers deny patients coverage for even the universally accepted treatments that this disease demands.

A Call to Action

The message from lymphedema and lymphatic disease advocates is clear. “Lymphedema and lymphatic diseases are ready to take their place as international priorities.” The days of being invisible are over. Every year we acknowledge World Lymphedema Day to be celebrated on March 6th. We invite patients, their family and friends, advocates, politicians and treatment practitioners from every country ,to make their voices heard by promoting Awareness about Lymphedema.

Together, we can change the world.

BC Lymphedema Day Poster (General)

Letter to Take to Your Dr. re Lymphedema and the BCLA

Annual World Lymphedema Day 

September 2021: Budget 2022 Consultation Submission 

November 2021: Budget 2022 Consultation Report 

Email Address:
Telephone:1-604-924-6282 Lower Mainland
1-866-991-2252 Toll Free
(Canada & USA)

Mailing Address Only:

BC Lymphedema Association
723 Donegal Place
North Vancouver, BC  V7N 2X6
(this is not a lymphedema clinic)

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