Surgery is not a cure for lymphedema but surgical options may help improve your daily living if you have been managing your lymphedema with Complete Decongestive Treatment with no improvement.
The UBC/VGH Lymphedema clinic doctors will provide a comprehensive assessment to provide the most accurate diagnosis and staging, to maximize conservative treatment and to determine if surgical treatment may be beneficial.
The UBC/VGH Lymphedema clinic provides the following types of surgeries to B.C. patients:
Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis (LVA) is a method of redirecting excess lymphatic fluid into the venous system to reduce the appearance of lymphedema and prevent its recurrence. This is the least invasive surgery for lymphedema. LVA is microsurgery too.
Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer (VLNT) is a microsurgical procedure where lymph nodes are transferred from a low risk lymph node basin to a limb with symptomatic lymphedema.
Liposuction or Suction-assisted Protein Lipectomy (SAPL) should only be performed by surgeons trained to treat lymphedema to not further damage the lymphatic system. This procedure is done under general anaesthetic to suction out the fat caused by Lymphedema. Patients still need to continue with ongoing lymphedema management best practices (including wearing compression garments) after this surgery.
See Diagnosis for list of doctors doing surgery in BC.Email Address: | Mailing Address Only: BC Lymphedema Association |
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