The BC Lymphedema Association (BCLA) is a volunteer run organization. We are most grateful to all of our volunteers who help ensure that the BCLA continues to reach its goals.
If you would like to volunteer your time, consider the following:
i. Organize a fundraiser.
ii. Step up to be a support group leader
iii. Be a committee member or leader.
The Board is comprised of the Executive - President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, as well as up to six Directors (Members-At-Large) who may Chair various committees.
We have two board of member positions available at this time: Secretary and Membership manager.
Directors can be anyone that supports people with lymphatic disorders. Criteria for sitting on the Board is being a member in good standing of the BCLA, and must be 18 years or older. Previous Board experience is helpful, but not required.
Skills and expertise in the following areas would be helpful:
Email: info@bclymph.org if you are interested in volunteering.
Board Roles and Responsibilities
Ethical Guidelines for Board Members
We thank you for your support!