Sunday, March 3rd: 2 - 4 p.m. 3338 Wesbrook Mall on the main floor - classroom Please go to the Concierge Desk for directions. Please bring your most recent copy of Pathways and and issues you may want to discuss. Other possible topics could include World Lymphedema Awareness Day: Individual challenges one faces: Future direction you would suggest for B.C. Lymphedema Association, etc. All ideas welcome. RSVP to Nan Dagan 604-355-6084
Email Address: info@bclymph.orgTelephone:1-604-924-6282 Lower Mainland1-866-991-2252 Toll Free(Canada & USA)
Mailing Address Only:
BC Lymphedema Association723 Donegal Place North Vancouver, BC V7N 2X6(this is not a lymphedema clinic)
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