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Arm Lymphedema Meet-Up

  • 03 Dec 2017
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Truffels Fine Foods @ VanDusen Gardents

Registration is closed

Join others with arm lymphedema to share stories, tips and wisdom on how you deal with your lymphedema.  

This location was chosen in the hopes it would be central for people coming from a variety of different areas.  We also wanted to choose a place where people could easily congregate without having to purchase food.  

We ask that one person from this group take on being a 'point person' to gather the contact information for all people who want to be involved in meeting up from time-to-time.  This person would choose the date, time and place to meet and liaise with BCLA President, Christine Chandler.

This is not a BCLA support group.  We are simply creating a place for members to meet up and make their own connections on this date and possibly in the future should you wish to do so.

Email Address:
Telephone:1-604-924-6282 Lower Mainland
1-866-991-2252 Toll Free
(Canada & USA)

Mailing Address Only:

BC Lymphedema Association
723 Donegal Place
North Vancouver, BC  V7N 2X6
(this is not a lymphedema clinic)

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